In compliance with Law 34/2002, of July 11, on Information Society Services and Electronic Commerce, we inform you that CLUB ATLÉTICO DE MADRID S.A.D., with address at Av. de Luis Aragones, 4, 28022 Madrid, and CIF A-80373764 registered in the Mercantile Registry of Madrid in volume 3834, folio 1, first inscription with page M-64416, is the owner of this website or APP. Club Atlético de Madrid, S.A.D. offers on its web pages information related to the type of activity, products and services that it develops, as well as information about, products and services that the client maintains with Club Atlético de Madrid, prior subscription of the corresponding contract and in the terms and conditions that appear in the same, as well as other contents of a general nature.

These general conditions regulate the access and use of the site that Club Atlético de Madrid S.A.D. makes freely available to Internet users. The use of certain services offered on this site will also be governed by the particular conditions foreseen in each case, which will be understood to be accepted by the mere use of such services.

The information provided by Club Atlético de Madrid must be considered by the user as an introduction, without it being considered as a determining element for making decisions, declining all responsibility for the use that may be made of it in this sense, and it must be specifically understood that this information, subject to current regulations in Spain, is not intended for those users who act under other jurisdictions of States that demand compliance with different requirements for the provision, disclosure or advertising of services and/or products.

The Club reserves the right to eliminate, limit or prevent access to its website when technical difficulties arise due to events or circumstances beyond the control of Club Atlético de Madrid that, in its opinion, diminish or annul the standard security levels adopted for the proper functioning of said website.

Club Atlético de Madrid S.A.D. does not guarantee the non-existence of interruptions or errors in access to the website or its content, nor that it is up to date. Club Atlético de Madrid S.A.D. will carry out, provided that there are no causes that make it impossible or difficult to carry out, and as soon as it is aware of the errors, disconnections or lack of updating in the contents, all those tasks aimed at correcting the errors, re-establishing communication and updating the contents. Under no circumstances will Club Atlético de Madrid be responsible for any loss, damage or harm of any kind that may arise from accessing and using the website, including, but not limited to, those produced in computer systems or those caused by the introduction of viruses and/or computer attacks. Club Atlético de Madrid will not be responsible for any damages that users may suffer due to inappropriate use of this website and, in no way, for any breakdowns, interruptions, absence or defects in telecommunications.

Both access to the website and the unconsented use that may be made of the information contained therein is the exclusive responsibility of the user. Club Atlético de Madrid S.A.D. will not be held responsible for any consequence, damage or harm that could be derived from said access or use.

Club Atlético de Madrid is not responsible for the veracity, integrity or updating of the information that is not of its own creation and of which another source is indicated, nor for that contained in other websites via hyperlink or link from, provided to the user as alternative sources of information, which will be governed by the terms and conditions of use that for this purpose are required by the owners of said websites, for which reason Club Atlético de Madrid does not assume any responsibility for hypothetical damages that may arise from the use of the aforementioned information. Under no circumstances will the aforementioned hyperlinks be considered as a recommendation, sponsorship, or distribution by Club Atlético de Madrid of the information, products and/or services, or, in general, contents owned by third parties, offered by them or in any way disclosed by them.

Club Atlético de Madrid S.A.D. does not assume any responsibility derived from the contents linked in the Web, as long as they are not related to the same, nor does it guarantee the absence of viruses or other elements in the same that may produce alterations in the computer system (hardware and software), in the user's documents or files, excluding any responsibility for damages of any kind caused to the user for this reason. In the event that any user, client or third party should consider that the content or services provided by the linked pages are illicit or harm the property or rights of the user, a client or a third party susceptible to compensation, and, in particular, consist in:

Activities or contents susceptible of being considered criminal according to Spanish criminal law.

Activities or content that violate intellectual or industrial property rights. Activities or contents that endanger public order, criminal investigation, public safety and national defense.

Activities or contents that endanger the protection of public health, respect for the dignity of the person and the principle of non-discrimination, and the protection of health and children. This should be communicated to the address indicated in General Information. Permission is granted to view, print and download in part: 

That it is compatible with the purposes of the website.

That it is done for the sole purpose of obtaining the information contained therein for personal and private use. Its use for commercial purposes or for its distribution, public communication, transformation or decompilation is expressly prohibited.

That none of the contents related to the Web are modified in any way.

That no graphic, icon or image available on the Web is used, copied or distributed separately from the rest of the images that accompany it.


The intellectual property rights of the website, its source code, design, logos, audio files, software files, navigation structure, databases and the different elements contained therein are owned by Club Atlético de Madrid S.A.D., who has the exclusive rights to exploit them in any form and, in particular, the rights of reproduction, distribution, public communication and transformation.

Club Atlético de Madrid S.A.D. is the owner of the intellectual and industrial property rights related to its products and services, and specifically those related to the registered trademark. Regarding the mention of products and services of third parties, Club Atlético de Madrid S.A.D. recognizes in favour of their owners the corresponding industrial and intellectual property rights, and their mere mention or appearance on the website does not imply the existence of any rights or responsibility of Club Atlético de Madrid S.A.D. over them, nor any endorsement, sponsorship or recommendation by Club Atlético de Madrid S.A.D., unless this is expressly stated.

The unauthorized use of the information contained in the Web, its resale, as well as the infringement of the intellectual or industrial property rights of Club Atlético de Madrid S.A.D. will give rise to the legally established responsibilities. All links from third parties to the Website must be to its home page, being expressly prohibited the "deep links", "framing" and any other use of the contents of the Website, in favor of unauthorized third parties.

Club Atlético de Madrid S.A.D. and the user, expressly renouncing any other jurisdiction, submit to the courts and tribunals of the domicile of Club Atlético de Madrid S.A.D. for any controversy that may arise from accessing or using the Website. In the event that the user is domiciled outside of Spain, Club Atlético de Madrid S.A.D. and the user submit, expressly renouncing any other jurisdiction, to the courts and tribunals of the city of Madrid (Spain)".

Users who do not agree with this policy should not enter any data through this website, nor access the content of this website.